Saturday, June 7, 2008

Feelings of Humbleness

Thanks to everyone for the comments about my kind deeds. I shared those basically to show how God often puts me into a situation like that, because He knows I'll do whatever I can to help. But after receiving so much praise about being kind, and feeling so good about it, I reread the blogs and now I have to wonder if my motive was to expound on my wonderfulness. I often feel that way at the mental health facility I visit... am I doing this because God wants me to or am I doing it because they like me and it makes me feel happy? I know that God won't put you in a ministry that you hate! My heartfelt apologies if anyone thought I was being boastful. I truly didn't mean to be. Thanks again and God bless.


Paula said...

I have questions over my own motivations for doing things as well. I play piano for church and teach classes and plan things. I worry that people's praise and enjoyment become my motivation for doing these things. I do believe, however, that it's okay to love what we do and to be glad that other people are apprectiative. That doesn't take away from our service to God. God knows the truth. Love and enjoy it all. And be glad that people don't hate the results! (;>

Julie said...

That is something to think about. I think your motives are pure for this blog. I also think that when a person blogs it's almost like a form of talking to ourselves. Easy to forget that other people read these things too. Sometimes there is not much to blog about except what we do or have done.

Deb said...
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Deb said...

It's okay that you questioned your own motives but, I believe that it's God putting you in the position to help others, you enjoy being used by God in those ways and its wonderful! And if we had thought that you were being boastful, we probably wouldn't have commented at all. So be assured we just really love your spirit.

kari and kijsa said...

Actions always speak louder than words- keep on keeping on. Whether for the best of reasons or not, kind deeds truly are a witness to others!

kari & kijsa

Ruthie said...

I love the new pictures on your blog!
So inviting.

When God gives us a ministry, he also puts joy in our heart for that ministry - and that joy shines through in your posts. It is a ministry the Lord has given you and I'm so glad you enjoy it.
We all need to embrace and enjoy the ministries that God gives us!


Kay Day said...

I wonder if the fact that we question our motives is a sign that we are in the right place...
Maybe the truly prideful people never stop to think about it?
I think about this a lot in regards to my own motives.

Robin said...

You know when I was asked to participate in that particular meme I felt uncomfortable a bit too - didn't want to appear to be tooting my own horn so to speak. But reading the responses of you and the others who participated was an encouragement to me and helped me to see more good in the world and encouraged me to be a better person. I didn't look at one entry that I read from any person as being boastful - it just didn't strike me that way at all. It seemed like a praise party in a way - like look what God can do through willing vessels.

Thank you!