Saturday, March 29, 2008

Is it Coming????

Here it is people! Just what I was talking about on one of my blogs. Check it out.


Robin said...

Absolutely Horrible! It breaks my heart!

Julie said...

wow. So many people would just ease the pain of handicap children instead of caring for them. So many parents, and it would only be easing their own discomfort. It is coming. I agree with Robin. Where so you find these things anyway, I like my shell!

Momstheword said...

I get a weekly report from Citizen Link, it's part of Focus on the Family that isn't tax exempt as a non-profit Christian organization, so they can get involved.

Momstheword said...

Julie, what shell?

Paula said...

Very disturbing. You know, if people are killed because they are going to die soon, why not kill everyone because we are all going to die soon? And if someone is killed because of their poor quality of life why not kill people in these groups because some aspect of their lives is below average: poor people, fat people, people with depression or mental problems, people without good housing, people who have too many children, people who aren't working in a job they love. I think almost everyone would be in one of those groups. So in some aspect we all have quality of life that isn't as good as someone elses. Of course the Christian has to consider that if anyone's life is taken, that means he/she had less time to come to know Christ as Savior. Not knowing Christ is definitely a low quality of life!!

Julie said...

the shell of my ignorance.