Thursday, March 27, 2008

Being thankful

Are we ever as thankful as we should be for the unobvious things?

1. When we trip and don't fall

2. When we pass a car and don't get in a wreck

3. When we wake in the morning

4. When our kids come home safely from school

5. When we find our lost kitty or dog

6. When someone does a random act of kindness toward us


Robin said...

Being thankful something we should all be each and every day :)

Jen said...

I think about #1 & #2 a lot. I spend a lot of time on stage and in the car so really do think about tripping and wrecking. So it does cross my mind to thank God for those two things or actually, the lack thereof of tripping and wrecking. The others, not so much. You forget, sometimes I think, to be thankful for the little things until the ability to do those things leaves us.

Melanie said...

I think when we forget to be thankful we go in the other direction and become even more unthankful, cynical, and judgmental.

Julie said...

It is a good thing to be thankful,

God even wants us to be thankful.

Momstheword said...

Thanks for the comments. Being rather old, I am very aware of the falling and breaking something thingy. I always thank God for not letting me fall. I am also able to visualize what would have happened had I fallen; where my head would have been, etc.