Sunday, August 3, 2008

Family Reunion

It was so hot here yesterday, even in a park under huge trees, with a river running just feet away. A cousin and his wife came from Oregon. They hadn't come before, that I know of. There weren't very many there, only about 26, probably mostly due to gasoline costs and other commitments. Relatives on my father's side started the reunions, but now there are about as many relatives on my mother's side. We had a good time and of course had lots of food. We have had some much more interesting reunions. One year, an old fellow was in the park with his bicycle, which had a box tied onto the back wheel, and in that box he had his old cat. I went over and invited him to eat with us, which he did. His story was that he has a home (I forget where) but he liked to travel around that way. He had come down the canyon road and someone in a pickup had given him a ride to our town. I knew by looking at his cat that she probably had leukemia and was about to die. He was quite an interesting person. Very learned in his speech and manner.

One other time there was a homeless man wandering around and we invited him to eat with us. He did, and was very courteous. He told us he moved to this town to live with his daughter, but that they had "fought" and he moved out. When he started to leave, I asked him if he'd like to take something for later. He rudely said, "No!". Then he caught himself and replied in a more friendly manner, "No, thank you." I knew that I had violated some code that implied that he was homeless.

Another year, an old dog lay under the tree close to us and slept. When we were getting ready to leave, he walked back across the park to his home!

P.S. Sorry you couldn't make it, Queen. The others didn't either. K. H. had to work. Don't know about B. S. (oops) :)


Deb said...

Hi Mom, a group of 26 can have a lot of fun, so I'm sure you had a beautiful time. Good food always sets the scene. I hope you're enjoying a great day! Deb

Julie said...

We are going to try really hard to make it out next year. Maybe it can actually happen too. I think I always enjoyed it best when it was either by chalk cliffs (?), or that other place in the woods & the lake & horse rides (I only went on that once with little pee pee girl :)) I remember running up and down that hill all day with M.

Julie said...

I just got your card & gift. Thank you both & I love you both too.

Paula said...

I know it would be lovely to go to the reunion. I always worry about how I look and what the people there will think. But I would like to see the ones I know. Especially the aunts and uncles and any cousins who are there.

My mother used to say when I worried about what people would think, "They won't kill ya, and if they do, they won't eat ya."

Julie, happy birthday.

About Nancy said...

You are so precious to offer those in need a meal. The cautious part of me would not likely do that. I love your generosity. And the dog who lived close by cracked me up! Gotta laugh.

Robin said...

You may have been entertaining angels unaware...