Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A Sweet Time

On Mondays (three times a week) I take the Sunday sermon tape to one of the nursing homes. This week I was having difficulty finding available and willing customers. Some of the regulars were still in bed, two were in the beauty shop, some just didn't want to come. I ended up with four ladies, all of whom are regulars. The sermon was about faith, Heb. 11:1-4, about Cain and Abel. It was an excellent sermon. Afterwards, I asked the ladies if there were any prayer requests. Instead, they talked about the sermon ( thought some of them were asleep). Somehow I had unintentionally positioned their wheelchairs into a semi-circle. I sat down with them. Then it was the perfect thing to do.; we held hands. One lady's hands are twisted with rheumatoid arthritis, but she grabbed on. A couple of them prayed and I prayed. It was so sweet and it gave me shivers (I just shivered, just now). When we have finished, we realized why the others didn't come. God wanted that to happen and it probably wouldn't have if the others had been there. Plus, it was probably the first time a staff member had not come through the room, interrupting the mood. Again, Lord, do it again!


Paula said...

Very touching. Tears.

Julie said...

Who are we to think we know the mind of God? Amazing. We may never know the results of that day.

Robin said...

Awesome!!!! God is in control!

Deb said...

Yes Lord, please do it again.