Saturday, August 16, 2008

Total Reassurance

Many years ago we had a pastor who apparently liked to cause people to doubt their salvation. I figured he wanted credit for it somehow. In fact, at his previous church, a lot of members got saved under his preaching! I think he liked to do that, cause doubts and then "reap the harvest". Well, I spent some time doubting my salvation. He said "if you don't remember the day, the date, the time, what you said, and the place, you're not saved." So, I am not even sure how old I was, what the date was, what the day was, but I know the place. I know that I felt a "bale of hay" lift off my shoulders. But, wait a minute, he said you can't go by feelings or sensations! I settled it one day at the altar, and realized that I already had Jesus "in my heart".

I recently found a little purse-sized Bible in with some old stuff. The cover is almost off and it is falling apart. Inside the back cover is the autograph of that pastor, and underneath it is written:
Dear devil,
I know I am saved and you will not make me doubt again!!"


Julie said...

did you write that? to whome are you refering? :)
but that is a good idea. once I became saved I have never had salvation doubts, but I have had un-loved/worthy doubts. Satan gets you where he can.

Kay Day said...

I doubted a lot, too, but in college one day I had a talk with myself.
Maybe I'll blog about it.

Paula said...

I had a lot of doubts also. I finally caught on that I could trust that God would do what He said. All I had to do was believe Him, and I did.

Momstheword said...

His initials were C.G. I wasn't calling him a devil because I knew who was making me doubt. I guess it sounded like that, didn't it...

Robin said...

I too had doubts. I think we all have. Yesterday, a friend from church was "interviewed" as part of our mission service and he shared that he was saved at 7 or 8, then again at 9, 11, 14, 15 and 17 (just made up those ages because I don't remember, but you get the idea) and several of us who also grew up in the church chuckled because we were right there with him. I think sometimes its challenging for those of us who grow up at church each time the door is opened, but at the same time I must say I'm so glad I did because being at church kept me from being other places and saved me some serious heartache.

Danica Favorite said...

How cool that you found that little piece of history.

Robbie Iobst said...

Robin you make me laugh! Getting saved at 9,11,14 etc. I totally relate. Growing up in our church we had rededication in case you were feeling a little unworthy of God. I wish grace, grace, grace was taught as much as salvation assurance. Great Post,MomstheWord! (I don't know your name. :0) )

Robin said...


I'm with you - we need more grace. I like what Randy Alcorn says about needing grace and truth and we find them both in Jesus!

I started the getting saved process at 4 years old in the front seat of my grandmother's VW bug - good thing I was little or I wouldn't have fit. She was on the seat and I was on the floor. I know I prayed several times after that like you mentioned rededicating my life to the Lord.

Maybe one day I will share some stories, but the timing has to be right - if and when God directs...