Friday, August 22, 2008


We like to pretend we speak English in the United States. Maybe, but we don't necessarily speak British! Answer the following questions. What is British for:
1. hamburger bun
2. roller coaster
3. trailer truck
4. cookie
5. cracker
6. hope chest
7. suspenders
8. hotdog roll
9. recess
10. thread

What is American for these words:
1. face flannel
2. draper
3. cow gum
4. fish slice
5. flex
6. geyser
7. hair grip/kirby grip
8. green fingers
9. number plate
10. oven cloth


Robin said...

I love quizzes, but I don't have a clue - maybe if I but a little brain power into it I could come up with an answer or two...but I'm sooooo tired...should be in bed, but I had to babysit for a neighbor tonight, so I'm checking blogs late.

Love your new look! Fancy :)

Kay Day said...

i know a cookie is a biscuit, a cracker is a crisp, and I for got what other one I know - oh a truck is a Lorry, but I don't know if that is for Trailer trucks. I don't call anything a trailer truck.
I know what suspenders are, but can't think of it.

I can guess on some of those in the other category, but I don't really know. The hair grip might be a barrette.

Kay Day said...

I don't know if you've noticed that people here have started saying queue instead of line. Like I had to stand in a long queue. But it is also used in computer talk, so not sure whether it bled over from British, or from computerese.

Kay Day said...

actually, crackers may not be crisps, crisps might be potato chips. but I really should know what crackers are...

SD Sue said...

oh please tell us the answers!!

Julie said...

Yeah, just tell us. You tease.

Kay Day said...

Oven cloth is probably an oven mitt. Number plate is maybe a license plate?

SD Sue said...

I think the face flannel is a wash cloth or warsh cloth like my dad used to say.