Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Like minded people

Kay said that she has recommended my blog to a lady who is interested in church ministries to the mentally ill. Our church has had a nursing home ministry for nearly 34 years. One of the homes is the place I mentioned in another story. The church goes once monthly but I go weekly to do a "Bible Study". I put that in quotes because it is not a traditional study. I tried that with the sitting around the table and everyone finding the scriptures. Even with the Gideon Bible (so I can just have them turn to a page number to find a specific scripture), it took so long to make a point. It was"what page again?" "What page did you say.", etc. over and over. More and more wanted to come and we needed more room so we have to meet in the dining room. It is no longer practical to try to have everyone search and read the scriptures. Right now we are going through the book of Matthew, with as much participation as possible. I do the reading of the scriptures and make commentary. I encourage them to participate by asking them questions and letting them share their ideas. Some of the people know a lot about the Bible, however, some just think they do (just like any church). There is a common connection between schizophrenia and religious fanaticism and I see some of that, but, for the most part, we have a pretty normal session.

Two or three times a year we take the regulars to our church for a cookout or a lunch. Attendance at the Bible Study is expected in order to go to the cookout. Residents with behavior problems can be managed quite well by using the gain or lose privileges system.

You know, when you get right down to it, they just want to be treated like normal people.

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