Friday, February 8, 2008

My Own Thoughts

MondaythroughSunday asked me what I thought of all this political stuff. Boy, she has no idea what kind of can of worms she opened! First of all, the caucus I didn't go to had a huge number of attendees. The Republicans chose Mitt Romney and the Democrats chose Obama. The next day Romney suspended his campaign. So now what about the Republicans? When I listen to some of the speeches, especially from Obama, I always wonder what "change' actually means to him. What does change actually mean to Clinton? Or to any of the other candidates? Change isn't automatically a good thing. It could be a bad thing. I want these people to talk more about specifics rather than generalizations. Recall how Hitler promised change? Bin Laden wants change for our country and for the world. Granted some things need to be changed.

By the way, the President doesn't have as much control as we think he does. That's why we have Congress and Senate, etc. President Bush has been blamed for things way beyond his control, as though he has freedom to do anything he wants. The same thing with the next president. He or she can make all the promises in the world, but that doesn't mean those things can be accomplished. We talk about being a democracy but we are actually a republic. Cuba is a democracy and the people "vote" Castro in time after time. In our country we have some constraints by having people other than just the president involved in decision making.


Jen said...

Here! Here! I'm getting ready to comment on the election in my blog as well. I'll send a link to yours because I completely agree with it.

Jen said...

Yah, I found it on the homepage. It's good, right?

Anonymous said...

When I hear talk about hope, I wonder why are people think we are missing it. I agree, the president has checks and balances thats why things move so slowly as far as any drastic "change". I think they mean change as in a new president, well duh! Any new president will be change! sheesh. I hate election stuff, all of the politics, and you know they won't be able to do half of what they promise anyway. And the comercials that are coming up! good grief! I may have to stop watching t.v., well...maybe not :)

Robin said...

FYI - 2-11-08 through 2-17-08 is Random Acts of Kindness Week.

Robin said...

I liked your comment about Random Acts of Kindness on my blog and I wrote another one for my Robins' Reading Room Blog - under the title Signs of Life by David Jeremiah.

Have a great week!

Melanie said...

Change..I do agree we need change but I do not think it is the change that socialist Obama is thinking.