Sunday, May 11, 2008

My Mothers Day Gifts

One of my lovely daughters wrote me a beautiful poem and the other wrote a blog about me. These things are more precious to me than all the flowers and chocolates in the world (well, maybe not chocolates). Loopdeloops has the blog but the poem hasn't been publicly published. The blog talks about my involvement with nursing homes, etc. I don't know when my thing for the old, disabled, strange, unloved and unlovely people of the world actually began. I do remember that some of the "strange kids" in high school were my friends. I liked working at the state hospital, even as an office worker, and got attached to many of the people. When I lived in a tiny mountain town, a friend and I talked about wanting to start a nursing home there. I didn't even visit in nursing homes then. I believe that the calling came when I started visiting an old guy and brought him to church. I went to the pastor, bawling my eyes out, asking if we could have a nursing home ministry. Of course, he said yes, but the understanding was that lay people would do it. That worked out fine. So I guess God just gave me that desire.


Julie said...

It's your poem, do as you will with it.

Robin said...

You are blessed! You have two beautiful, caring, amazing daughters! You did good! I hope I can do as well with my children.

Ruthie said...

You have a couple of great daughters. You must be so proud of them.
I enjoyed reading why you started working with special needs people. Good job. The Lord has given you a special gift. So many people don't want to be bothered with them.

Paula said...

Great gifts.