Friday, April 4, 2008

Tone of Voice

I was wondering the other day about the different tones we use when we talk to other people and animals. Why do we do the singsong baby voice with our cats and dogs, etc? We have a certain way of talking to parrots and other types of house birds. One of my cats comes more quickly when I call her that way than if I call in a normal voice. I think we sometimes are unaware of how we may sound to others. Some people always sound like they are chastening you, some sound like they're patronizing you or talking down to you, some sound like they think they're wasting time talking to you. Some people are really difficult to visit with over the phone because they have no inflection in their voices, or sound totally disinterested, all the while they may be very happy to be visiting with you. Know what I mean? On the other hand, some people sound so gleeful and joyous that they seem to not be aware of the bad things in life. Oh well.


Melanie said...

I really liked this post. I may post about it soon. Made me think of a few things. Thanks!!

Julie said...

When I call my little boo kitty I think about cat food and it comes out in my tone, and she comes to me. If I just call her to come in she wont come to me. I have tested it and it's true.

Paula said...

I really watch people to see how they are responding to what I say. I think the first child pleaser in me has to analyze and adjust to the feedback people give to me and often change what I am saying. I'm sure the tone of voice really has an influence on me too.

Julie, do you think if I think about fried chicken when I talk to my husband, he might pay better attention? I may try it.

Robin said...

My husband HATES to talk on the phone and most of his conversations are quite brief when in person he could talk your ear off. Why does he hate the phone? Because he can't read your lips. He is hearing impaired and several years back got two hearing aids. He has since LOST one of them and the other is broken. Its expensive to fix and we are raising money for his short term missions trip and to repair our van right now - so it waits...

Its important to consider other situations - some have asked me if my husband was upset with them after phone conversations and I just explain what I mentioned above...

Robin said...

QOTW - you are hilarious - think about fried chicken :) Try it and let us know how it goes :)