Saturday, September 6, 2008

Has Everyone Said These?

1. Someday when you're older, you'll understand.
2. Watch the tone of your voice when you talk to me.
3. Shut the door, were you born in a barn?
4. Stop your crying or I'll give you something to really cry about!
5. Do you think I'm made out of money?
6. Do you think money grows on trees?
7. If I've told once, I've told you a thousand times, don't exaggerate!
8. Are you deaf?
9. Would you jump off a bridge if everyone else was doing it?
10.Just wait until you're a parent someday!


Kay Day said...

Well, I know YOU have. :)

I'm pretty sure I haven't.

Paula said...

I heard some. I said some, but I didn't mean to...the devil and all that.

Julie said...

"I hope you have kids just like yourself!" "Don't run or you'll poke your eye out"
I say, "Now go away and never ask me for anything again" and the kids say, "OK" But they always come back...blarg!

Deb said...

Just wait until you're a parent someday!

Someday when you're older, you'll understand

And I hope I'm around to see it.

Danica Favorite said...

Me... nah... okay, maybe I've said a couple, but I hated hearing them growing up, so I try not to say them.

Momstheword said...

Kay, remember the time you got hysterical on the Pikes Peak road when I commented about the little branches on the trees, something like, "Boy, a person would poke their eyes out running thru those trees." Or something like that. My only opportunity to say that I guess.