Monday, September 8, 2008

Get me my socks!

I hope I have this story straight. A woman in our church received a call from a friend, asking that her three-year old boy be put on our prayer chain. She apparently had found him twisted somehow in his swing set, not breathing and blue. That was all we knew until we were told that he was okay. K. D. then related the rest of the story to my sister. The mother did CPR and called 911. Later, at the hospital, He was in the bed with nothing on but a diaper. Apparently, he woke up, looked around, and said, "Get me my socks! I'm naked!". The family was told that he might be six years old before they could really detect any brain damage. What do you think? If a three-year old can assess a situation, and do what is reasonable to him (?), can't we assume he's okay? Can you imagine that family's response when their little boy said that.


Ruthie said...

He sounds pretty good to me. Little kids can be oxygen deprived for longer than adults and still not suffer long-term we will pray it all will be well.

Julie said...

How terrifying for the Mother. Good thing she was prepared!! Poor little naked baby!