Friday, October 19, 2007


This is another one of my younger daughter's poems. My sister rescued a Shetland pony 30 years or so ago. She doesn't know how old he was when she got him.

To the little man, loved by many. Good pony.

Rescued from fate...welcomed
to love
Better than most...long were
your days
Learning to trust...
the hands that touched you
Grazing in peace...plenty
of hay
Darkness took you...yet peace
still remained
Kind hands kept you...long in
your days
The end comes to all...some
sooner than others
If not for your fall...still
would you be...
Grazing in peace, trusting the
long in your days
Julie 9/13/05

1 comment:

Kay Day said...

Loved by many... not so much by me. He was a stinker. Tried to kick me in the head every time I went in there. Well, before he got old and blind, but he still wanted to, I know it.
He seemed nice enough to everyone else, though.